We take very seriously our responsibility for igniting a passion for lifelong learning in our children. We give them access to a rich and stimulating curriculum that takes into account their individual interests; therefore similar learning objectives may be set in a range of different contexts in different years. We endeavor to provide an education where all pupils reach their potential in all areas of the curriculum.
We meet children’s individual needs with our staffing ratios of one adult to ten children for Reception, Baby and Middle (and one to eight in Top) and every child receives the attention they require, whether giving them extra support to embed a concept or providing open-ended challenges for those who have understood the concept or skill and are keen to deepen their knowledge. First-hand learning experiences enrich the curriculum further. The children go on a range of educational visits both within Dar es Salaam and further afield and also enjoy having a number of visitors to school.

We assess each child’s abilities and needs following regular observations. Every day children have the opportunity to participate in a mixture of child-initiated and adult-guided activities that cover many areas of learning, including Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Communication, Language and Literacy; Mathematical Development; Knowledge and Understanding of the World; Physical Development and Creative Development. Nursery days are full of interest as children share their experiences with each other and their teachers. We hope that they will develop their own interests as they form confident relationships. The curriculum and environment is planned very carefully to allow the children to become increasingly independent. Our children look forward to coming to school and take pride in their achievements. Children build on their achievements in Nursery while learning the next stages of reading, writing and numbers. The stimulating, well-structured curriculum is developed, and children continue to make full use of both the indoor and outdoor learning environment. The creative curriculum provides the children with stimulating topics that enrich their experiences and contribute to their outstanding academic achievements.