High School is a critical period of transition between school and university. Students face a number of challenges at this time: managing the academic adjustment from O-Level to A Level, taking more responsibility for themselves academically and, of course, applying for university courses. These issues may coincide with social pressures, personal problems and the emotional stresses sometimes associated with high achieving students. We take pastoral care very seriously to ensure that students can make the most of their abilities.
Our higher education team provides a first-class service. We give students informed and detailed advice and assistance throughout the process. We have specialist advice for all university applications and for highly competitive fields such as Medicine. We also make the most of our proximity to University of Dar es Salaam by visiting speakers on a regular basis. Our team ensures that each student has an excellent application to give them the best chance of securing offers from universities.

We have a tutorial system in High School. This means that each student is a member of a form for their two year A-level career and their tutor is the person who is responsible for monitoring their well-being and performance. In addition, we have two high school Form Heads who take overall responsibility for the pastoral welfare of the Form V and Form VI respectively. They are led by the Head Master and supported by the school’s senior teachers, all of them are experienced counsellors.
We also recognize the importance of regular feedback and communication with parents. This is achieved in a number of ways: we have regular grades and academic reporting, emails, telephone calls and personal meetings where necessary.
There are a huge range of exciting opportunities available to our High School students. We have a timetabled enrichment session where A-Level participate in an extra-curricular and non-curricular activity.
We are proud of our students’ academic achievements and work hard to support them. A-Levelers with special learning needs benefit from working closely with their tutors and the school’s Learning Support Department. When required, we also produce student specific action plans to support anyone experiencing academic or organizational issues.
We value our A-Levelers as individuals and as leaders of our school community. Our pastoral provision aims to ensure that their transition from school to university is a happy and successful one.